Friday 17 May 2013

Notes on Running a Planet

So this is not mitzvah related. Sorry for my terrible neglect, dear readers. 

Anyways, in the fall when I was watching a movie in the planetarium at the American Museum of Natural History, I felt a bit inspired to write this and I kind of percolated on it until March and then I just put it to "paper". I don't have a matching commandment or anything, but I was just reading over it today and I wanted to share. 

It might be kind of silly or touchy-feely or... well, I don't know what. But - like I said - I just wanted to share it!

So here's the deal. The movie was kind of zooming way, way out on earth and it talked about stars and galaxies and all that cool, mind blowing stuff and I was sort of distracted by a thought that was something like "what if there were other planets with life on them out there" and "what lessons could humans of earth share with those people". Anyways, here it is. Please feel free to comment or suggest edits or tell me I'm ridiculous. All comments are much appreciated. 


It will not be easy. This I guarantee. But you will learn the most amazing things; see characteristics in the things and people around you that will make you wonder if it's even real.

But I promise you, you will forget where you came from and what sustains you. And when you do that you will be so blinded by your perceived mastery you will not even notice that the rules to the game have been changed around you. And the funny thing is: you did that. You changed the rules, maybe by accident. But you made choices without even considering what might come of them. And we made those decisions too. Decisions that you wouldn't think to make when you're walking outside or shuffling around in the mountains on a chilly day. Ones that wouldn't cross your mind lying in the desert watching the stars.

No; it is at those moments that I hope you are out there making a better go of this than we have. When I hope that the wonderful things that we have done here are just the beginning for you. That art and music, friendship and genuine care have made it to you but the greed and selfishness did not follow.


Be kind to one another. Be compassionate and loving to those who cannot speak for themselves. Respect the planet and all her wonder, she is the only one you have. Spend time under the clouds and under the stars. Swim. Laugh. Dance. Find others that you love and show them. Spend time with them, you don’t have that much after all; friends or time, that is. Remember that though life seems impossibly long and complicated, I don’t think it truly is. Just work with what you have and dream of what you don’t have yet.

I have hope that this can be done but I am losing hope that we can do it. And so I wish for you to learn from our mistakes. Take them to heart and have a better go of it.

Someone ought to.


Thanks for indulging me! :)